The Nashville Tree Foundation works to protect and restore the city’s urban forest in a variety of ways.
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Nashville Tree Foundation projects
2020 On MLK Weekend 52 trees were planted at three schools in east Nashville, while the President’s Weekend planting included 37 trees for TN School for the Blind and Hickman Elementary School in Donelson. Our spring planting events were first postponed due the March storms and eventually cancelled due to the corona virus. However, fall planting plans will include those sites we missed in the spring as part of our ReLeaf 2020 initiative!
2019 71 Trees were planted at churches throughout Nashville during the spring as well as trees planted at the Big Green Fair. The spring ReLeaf event saw 25 trees planted in Northeast Nashville. 800 container trees were given away at events throughout Nashville during Tree Fest. 65 Big Old Tree Contest winners were honored at Tree Spree. Metro Nashville Public School education programs were introduced and gave over 700 students the opportunity to learn about trees through hands on lessons. 60 trees planted at Nashville schools during the fall kick-off planting. 175 added at schools and private residences in Northeast Nashville on ReLeafing Day.
2018 Trees were planted at the Boys and Girls Club. 800 container trees were given away at events throughout Nashville during Tree Fest. ReLeafing Day added 289 trees in Southeast Nashville neighborhoods as well as Metro Nashville Public Schools. 12 fruit trees planted at Knowles Assisted Living Center. 47 trees were planted at Edgehill Park. Recognized 42 Big Old Tree Contest Winners.
2017 Tree donation planted at Preston Taylor Ministries to shade playground. 700 Cherry blossom seedlings were given away at the Nashville Cherry Blossom Festival. 53 Big Old Tree Contest winners announced. ReLeafing Day added 300 1.5"-caliper trees in South Nashville neighborhoods and shade and fruit trees at 10 Metro Nashville Public Schools. Taking Root: A Community Tree Workshop presented education programs and provided 400 container-grown trees at the Richland Park Farmer's Market.
2016 ReLeafing Day added an additional 600 trees to North Nashville neighborhoods of Bordeaux, Haynes Park, and Haynes Manor; trees added to 10 Metro Nashville Public Schools and 3 parks; 300 free trees given away courtesy of a grant from Alliance for Community Trees and CSX Transportation. Taking Root: A Community Tree Workshop, a free community education event, was launched in support of tree education, advocacy, and care. 500 Cherry blossom seedlings were given away at the Nashville Cherry Blossom Festival. Supported Metro Arbor Day planting of 5 trees in Centennial Park and memorial and honorary trees added to Elmington Park, Parmer Park, and Sevier Park. Recognized 47 Big Old Tree Contest winners.
2015 Betty Brown Tree Trail and Arboretum added 253 trees to Riverfront Park for first downtown arboretum. ReLeafing Day planting of 240 trees in Bordeaux, Haynes Park, and Haynes Manor; Bordeaux, Bordeaux Gardens, and Tom Joy parks; and Redbud seedlings at Northwest YMCA and shade trees along Titans way with Cumberland River Compact. Metro Arbor Day planting of 5 trees in Centennial Park, memorial and honorary trees planted in Red Caboose Park, Sevier Park and Parmer Park.
2014 ReLeafing Day planting of over 250 trees in Cleveland and McFerrin Park yards, at Monroe Harding with partner Cumberland River Compact and to restore a tree line at St. George's Episcopal Church.
2013 ReLeafing Day planting of over 200 trees in Woodbine yards, in an orchard, and along waterways with partner Cumberland River Compact
2012 ReLeafing Day planting of nearly 350 trees in Woodbine
2011 ReLeafing Day planting of 140 powerline-approved species and 90 shade trees in the Nations and Hadley Park area and 30 fruit trees in the first Heirloom Orchard on Delray Drive by 200 volunteers
2010 ReLeafing Day planting of 120 powerline-approved species and 140 shade trees by 300 volunteers in flood-affected areas of Bellevue
2009 ReLeafing Day planting of 121 powerline-approved species by 278 volunteers in Inglewood
2008 ReLeafing Day planting of 39 powerline-approved species by 65 volunteers in Inglewood
2007 ReLeafing Day planting of 70 powerline-approved trees in Bluefields in Donelson and in 12South. Gave 9 holly trees to ReDiscover East! for its planting project of 500 trees in nine neighborhoods.
2006 ReLeafing Day planting in Germantown of more than 30 powerline-approved trees, and 35 powerline-approved trees and 30 other trees in Sylvan Heights
2005 ReLeafing Day demonstration planting of 84 powerline-approved trees in Dallas H. Neil Park on Eighth Avenue South and Wedgewood Avenue and 18 in the Woodland-in-Waverly neighborhood in a joint project with Metro Parks, Metro Tree Advisory Committee, and Nashville Electric Service.
2004 Used Urban Forestry grant and collaborations with five neighborhood groups and one Metro Council district to plant 236 trees.
2003 Used Urban Forestry grant to conduct anti-topping and proper pruning campaign. Used Urban Forestry grant and collaborations with Nashville Electric Service and seven neighborhoods to plant 367 trees.
2002 Established annual ReLeafing Day on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Planted 29 trees in Nashville Housing Fund-financed Hope Gardens and in Habitat for Humanity’s Rainwood subdivision.
2001 Worked through ReLeaf Nashville to replace 200 ReLeaf trees that did not survive.
2000 Worked through ReLeaf Nashville to plant 2,000 trees.
1999 Worked through ReLeaf Nashville to plant 2,450 trees in Nashville. Contributed 500 trees to The Hermitage. Contributed 50 trees to Clarksville and 50 trees to Jackson, Tenn., after tornadoes.
1998 Established ReLeaf Nashville with Metro Parks/Beautification and Environment after April tornadoes, with a five-year plan to replace 6,500 shade trees. Planted 1,457 trees.
1996 Distributed whom-to-call magnets to 15,000 home-owners , developed anti-topping ads and articles for newspapers, and created public service announcements for radio, using matching Urban Forestry Grant.
1995 Launched a “Don’t Top Trees” awareness campaign targeted to the general public and tree-trimming companies, using matching Urban Forestry Grant.
1994 Held demonstration plantings at three locations and developed educational materials on trees for teachers and individuals using a matching Urban Forestry Grant.
1993 Educated the public on importance of urban trees through ads, news articles, and water bill inserts with matching Urban Forestry Grant.
1991 Planted an 18-foot pin oak in Centennial Park to replace a damaged tree.
1989 Transplanted 2 hemlocks and 2 dogwoods from Airport Estates to Magnolia Blvd.
1988 to present Conducted Big Old Tree Contest to identify the county’s largest and oldest trees.
1988 Transplanted 15-foot evergreen from Ensworth School to Music Square Park.
1986 Planted a red maple in the median of 8th Avenue North. Replaced crabapple trees on Shelby Avenue.
Plantings by the Foundation and MDHA
2005 40 crabapples, flowering cherry, and redbuds planted under powerlines in Vine Hill Hope VI homes and 12 bur and red oaks around two playgrounds.
2003 Hope VI Homes in Preston Taylor: 2 red maples, 2 red oaks, 3 ash, 3 crab apples, 3 redbuds
2001 Main Street: 50 trees for Streetscape Project
2000 Madison Towers: 4 red maples, 4 sugar maples, 4 purple white ash
1999 Vine Hill Homes: 3 southern magnolias, 6 red maples, 2 golden raintrees, 3 sugar maples
1998 Edgefield Manor: 8 red maples, 5 red oaks, 3 crabapples
1997 Sam Levy Homes: 10 red maples, 2 sweet gums
1996 Edgefield Manor: 5 red oaks, 5 red maples, 3 white dogwoods
1995 Edgehill Homes: 6 autumn purple ashes, 6 sycamores
Terrance Murray Memorial Garden: 6 crab apples
1994 Vine Hill Homes: 8 kwanzan cherries, 8 calloway crab apples
1993 Andrew Jackson Courts: 4 Japanese black pines, 4 zelkova, 4 Yoshino cherries
1992 Tony Sudekum, J.C. Napier homes: 8 tulip poplars, 7 pin oaks
1991 Sam Levy Homes: 7 sweet gums, 7 pin oaks
1990 J.C. Napier Homes: 6 pin oaks, 3 tulip poplars, 3 sweet gums
1989 Parkway Terrace: 5 green ashes and red maples
1989 Cumberland View: 8 tulip poplars, sweet gums
1988 Edgehill Homes: 3 golden rain, 3 Zuma crab apples, 9 water oaks and baldcypress
1987 Vine Hill Homes: 15 crab apples, 6 shade trees
1986 Parkway Terrace: 12 red maples